Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 22 – Rain, Rain, Rain

Yesterday was our first full day of rain. Since we have been here, it has typically always rained in the evenings, usually starting well after it is dark. I think things may be somewhat different for the next several days. The rain however did not gloom these blooms.

Early in the morning it let up raining for about an hour. When it stopped we decided to walk down to the Super David and pick up some things for lunch and dinner. Cicely and Andre, along with their kids, stopped by the night before and we all planned to have dinner together before they headed back to Canada. Anna and I wanted to get some things prepared earlier in the day, so we wouldn’t have to do too much in the kitchen during dinner. The house has a good size kitchen, but it is missing some cooking ware essentials. So we figured we would get a head start on dinner.

The kids swam in the pool all morning. They got pretty creative when it came to coming up with some flotation devices. We all laughed at the silliness. While the kids were playing and swimming, Olivia noticed something colorful on the branch. She called us out to take a look. It had to be one of the most beautiful caterpillars I have ever seen. It along with two others was on a Frangipani tree. We found later the caterpillar is called a “Frangipani Sphinx Moth” Caterpillar.

Around 1pm in the afternoon, Jon the neighbor stopped by to bring some board games over for the kids. He and his wife, Connie, are heading back to St. Augustine today. Connie has not been doing well for the last several days and is looking forward to getting back home. Jon stayed for an hour before heading back. We wished him and his wife well. He had offered us the use of his bikes during his absence, which was really nice of him. I may take him up on the use of one of those beach cruisers.  

We lounged around for the remainder of afternoon. Cicely, Erika, and Colin ended up coming by for dinner around 6pm. Andre had gotten sick the night before and was not feeling well. Cicely and the kids ended up going to Isla (Isle) del Tortuga today. Isle of Tortuga is only located about 15km up the coast, so we figured it rained on them all day. To our pleasant surprise they had none.

After a little visiting, we got the kids engaged with some games and the adults started getting dinner ready. We had fish and beef tacos. Yummy, yummy. The tacos were complimented with a wonderful salad and the good old costa rican staple – rice and beans. Once the kids got done eating they all jumped in the pool for about an hour, and Cicely, Anna and I talked outside on the patio. It was around 9pm when they ventured back to Hotel Caleja. It made for a great evening. We wish them a safe journey back home today.

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