Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 26 – All About the Amphibians

The goal for today was to capture and picture some of the green costa rican tree frogs. Thomas and I got up early and went to the Super David to get some groceries. Mainly eggs at 100 colones ($0.20) each. We have found that hard boiled eggs and sandwiches make a quick snack around here. On the way back to the house from the store I noticed two birds that were a little different in a far off tree. It just so happened that they were two Red-Lored Parrots. I was so excited. We had all seen many parakeets, but no parrots since we have been here.

For the better part of the day, we swam and lounged around the house. Before we got in the pool we noticed we had a little intruder. I asked the kids if either one of them had given him permission to swim in our pool. They of course both said no, but I think maybe Thomas may have told him it was okay. Anyway, we got the fat guy out of the pool with the net and he hopped on his way.

It's the new thing here in costa rica. Amphibian Live Jewelry!
The kids ended up doing some oil painting in the later morning and decided it would be funny to paint both of their hands totally black. I on the other hand did not find it as amusing. I wish I would have gotten a picture of it now. They ended up doing sentences for quite some time as punishment.

Around 5pm we headed over to Hotel Caleja. We had planned to have some dinner over at the restaurant and let the kids play on the property. The property is known to have some of the tree frogs and we were on a mission to find some. When we arrived at the restaurant we visited with Marco and Corolla a bit before we ordered dinner. After we ordered dinner, it wasn’t but a couple of minutes before Thomas ran back to us to show us one of the so-called elusive green tree frogs. What a beautiful amphibian. The green was almost neon. Its underside was a bright orange and its eyes were a darkish red. It blended perfectly into its surroundings if you didn’t know any better.

Costa Rican Guard Dog!!
During the hunt, Thomas also managed to find a massive cane toad. I got a picture of the guy and it almost looked like a pugh dog standing at attention. We all laughed at the picture after it was taken. A moment later the dinner bell rang. Time for grub. We ate dinner and then decide to stay for a little bit longer and visited until we finally headed home at around 8:30pm. 

Amazing how it simply blends.

I couldn't get this guy off the bottle. Goes to show even the frogs here like Imperial!!!!!


  1. Whenever you get a chance, email me from the address you want me to use to invite you to the Shutterfly album. See you all soon!


  2. I keep questioning if these a real photos you took or professional shots you grabbed off the web... incredible!
