Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 30 - Isle of Tortuga

Last night before we left Marco, we asked him to arrange a trip to the Isle of Tortuga today. Marco was to come pick us up this morning at 8:45am, but instead we decided to walk to Hotel Caleja instead. The kids were excited and we were ready to go, so we figured the walk would do everyone some good.

On our way out to Isle of Tortuga. Excitement was just a bubbling outta the kids!!!
We got on the boat in Montezuma at 9:30am. We were on our way to Tortuga Island (Isle of Tortuga). It is a pair of islands on the eastern side of the Nicoya Peninsula, located directly east of the Curu Wildlife Refuge. The Isle of Tortuga is a park and is non-commercialized, except for the day trip excursions. Only park rangers live on the island. All of us could not wait to get there.

Rainbow Rock near Isle of Tortuga.
The boat ride took about 45 minutes to get to Isle of Tortuga. When we first got there, we immediately anchored and went snorkeling. We were in a boat of 21 other people, so when we went snorkeling it was the first time I felt that someone was on top of me. Since we have been in Costa Rica, we have hardly ever been around any large groups. Most places, 21 other people would be nothing. Today it just seemed like we were crowded. We have become spoiled with the owning most of the places we visit.

I was able to get a picture of this mermaid. I understand they are somewhat rare here in Costa Rica.
The fish were spectacular. I wish they would have stayed still enough for me to take a good picture of them. They surely didn’t listen to me. And I even asked politely. Some of the areas we snorkeled were a little murky, but all in all the visibility was good. The kids had a ball and enjoyed every bit of it.

The purple on these fish really popped. Wish I would have gotten a closer picture.
Around noon we got back in the boat and they took us to shore for lunch. Great meal. We all had fish, potatoes, and you guessed it, rice. After lunch we just hung around the beach and played. The kids played in the waves with two other Belgium kids they met on the way out for the better of the remainder of our stay. We left the island at 3pm and headed back to Montezuma. 

Amazing color on this star fish. Almost looks like porelain.
One of the islands near where we snorkeled. Totally covered by birds.
This fish looked like he was sporting the SANDirect colors. Cool fish. 
Parrothead fish.
On the Isle of Tortuga.
One of the locals on the Isle of Tortuga.
Scarlet Macaw on the Isle of Tortuga. This guy was named Paco.
Watch your toes!
On the edge of a rock on the Isle of Tortuga. Surveyors land marker stating the boundary of Costa Rica. 
Waiting for lunch at the Isle of Tortuga.
Walking back to Hotel Caleja.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I am jealous of you guys! Yuu should send your loving awesome cousin in Florida some of that great coffee =) So glad you are all having fun. Miss you much and glad to see the updates
