Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 37 – Decided to Stay in San Miguel

We woke up this morning determined to head to Monteverde. The owner of “The Flying Scorpion”, Brandon Rossi (Rossi), had asked me yesterday if I would take a look at his wireless router before heading out of San Miguel. “Sure”, I said. We had breakfast and afterwards the kids went out to the beach. At around 8:30am I was starting to wonder when Rossi was planning on coming in, because we wanted to try and hit the road early. Finally at 10am, I asked one of the girls in the kitchen to call Rossi. Rossi immediately headed down and was here in just a bit.

A little fellow popping out while cleaning his borrow.
Fibre Optics cable in not an option here in San Miguel, so the people that have Wi-Fi typically use the older USB cell modem type technology. In order for you to get multiple connections, you then have to have a router that accepts USB modems. We fired up the router and then the USB modem. Everything appeared to work fine, but we still did not get any connectivity. He said he had another 
unit at his house, so we hopped in my car and headed up the mountain.

Olivia getting creative in the sand. She really enjoyed San Miguel beach.
His place was breathtaking. The view from up to of the mountain was absolutely wonderful. The sky was clear and you could see ocean and across the whole valley. San Miguel is in cattle country. Guanacaste is the province and most all of the land here is used for grazing. When Rossi purchased the property on top of the mountain, the seller laughed at their closing and whispered something to the attorney. He later found out what he told the lawyer. The seller said, “Why would anyone buy atop of this mountain? You can’t get the cattle to graze up here.” I can only image how hard Rossi must have laughed after hearing that comment.

A view from up top of Rossi's place. 

Once I closed my mouth and picked my jaw off the floor, we grabbed his other router and headed back to the hotel. Within a couple of minutes of getting everything plugged up, all was working fine. Mission accomplished. Although, now it was around 1pm and the day was getting away from us. The drive time to Monteverde would be 3 ½ hours and it would have taken away the rest of the afternoon, so we decided to stay another day and let the kids continue to play on the beach.

Thomas on the boggie board ripping up some roaring waves!!
Rossi lent us several boogie boards and the kids went hog wild. This is the beach to boogie board on if I’ve ever seen one. We all got on them for some time, but Thomas stay on his long enough to perfect the art. Anna showed the kids a trick or two as well being the Fort Myers water baby she is. The kids played out in the waves until at least 4-5pm at which time they came back to hotel and showered off. It would be sushi time shortly and MarBeth, the unbelievable cook, would surely serve up an awesome feast again.

Rossi's house, the owner of "The Flying Scorpion", on top of the mountain.
Six o’clock is sushi time here at “The Flying Scorpion”, but typically only Thursday through Sunday. Somehow, though, we have been able to persuade the staff to prepare sushi for us the last two days. I think Rossi had something to do with that. As an appetizer to the sushi, we order the Vegetable Tempura. We had it the night before and it was quite honestly the some of the best tempura I have ever had. Tried the “Bruce Lee Kick Your Ass Roll” and it was good. Hot, but good. Definitely not a roll you want to try if you don’t like spicy or hot. Thomas and I also went with two orders of the “911” roll. Another delicious, now favorite, spicy sushi roll of the Schiffers. Finally, each of the kids also got a “Caterpillar” roll. 

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