Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 3 - Springs Resort & Animal Sanctuary

Somehow we Schiffers just get lucky every now and then. We got a individualized tour of an animal sanctuary on the grounds of the Springs Resort. Olivia and Thomas feed some spider monkeys and we were able to watch up close the feeding of about 20 felines of all types.

The above is a howler monkey. One of the old fellows, Allan our guide told us. They had four in total in the cages.

The above is a Puma. Looks small in the picture, but weighs in at 140lbs. Up close this guy was a bit intimidating. Allan says he is gentle. I'll take his word for it.

This cute little poision dart frog (which has enough poison to kill ten grown men) is called a blue jean dart frog. If you are able to zoom in, you can tell by the texture and color on his legs and feet.

This carnivous little feline is an ocelot. Apparently they are very common here in Costa Rica. For such a small cat, it has a tremendously loud and low growl. MEOWWW...

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