Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 7 – Starting out with a little Howling

WOD: Nostros (m)/Nostras (f) = “We”
Got up and finally ran a little 5k this morning.  Ran rather slow as it is more like a trail run out here. On the run I managed to take in some local protein. I made a mental note to start running with my mouth closed. Need I say the bugs here are plentiful. Came home to a lively household. Mama was cooking breakfast and the kids were readying themselves for the pool.
Nostros (We) fired up the old HP and set out to Skype. What a wonderful communication tool! We managed to call and wish Nana a Happy Birthday. After speaking with Nana and Grandpa, we made our rounds to Oma and Opa, and then finally to Uncle Sean.
Prior to breakfast, Anna went for a walk and ran into a troop of about 15 howler monkeys taking a siesta in a nearby tree. She tried to rustle up the kids and take us back to video the sleeping monkeys.  The kids were pool bound and did not want to go, so Anna and I trekked over to see the howlers. The monkeys are quite big really up close. Bigger than I would have thought.
As always, Anna prepared a delicious breakfast. Man, was I lucky to have married a cook. She cooked up some local huevos (eggs) with jamon (ham), organic tomates (don’t need to translate that one), and a healthy portion of papas (potatoes). Anna and Thomas additionally had some local avocado. Olivia and I decided to pass on that not so tasty treat.

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