Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 9 - Unwelcomed Guests

Just as we were winding down here at around 9pm, a scorpion casually strolled on by in front of us. Would not have been so bad, but we were winding down in the living room. Olivia was not too pleased. I think she now going to be a bit more observant of the floor. The advice here is always check your shoes before putting them on. Not only do the scorpions like that dwelling, but tarantulas do too.

Last night, before jumping in the pool we kept noticing something was moving in the water. It was a small field mouse. It must have fallen in and could not get back out. We managed to do a small rodent rescue operation with the pool net. Beside the mouse, we have had several crabs get in the pool. Apparently someone on the island told the crabs that the Schiffers throw a rockin' pool party.

1 comment:

  1. Thomas, Great shots, very cool place to be.

    Give me a call ASAP

    Your pal Jim
