Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 6 - First Visit to Mal Pais

Actually, we arrived at Playa Carmen which is right beside Mal Pais. As you come down the mountain, the main entrance to the beach areas dumps you right on the beach at Playa Carmen. You turn left to go to Mal Pais and turn right to go to Santa Teresa.The sizes of these towns wouldn't even make it on the map in the states.

We pitched camp right on the beach at Playa Carmen. We basically had it to ourselves. The views were spectacular!!!!! The above is a panoramic picture with Thomas climbing on the rocks on the left.

If you look off in the distance you can see two small figures. I'll let you guess which is which.

The rocks are actually in the ocean. We trekked out to see if we could find some shells

Thomas' crab soup bowl. The boy must have captured a couple hundred hermit crabs during our stay today.

The thing in the middle of the picture is not what it looks like. It is actually a sea slug. To the right, which is not visible is a small crab.

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