Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 4 – Back to the Splash Pad after Lunch

Since we had a two day pass to Springs, we ventured back up the road and hit the spring fed pools one last time. The ride there seemed much shorter today. We were greeted by a bell boy on a golf cart in the parking lot. He zipped us to the entrance and we rolled in like rock stars. Bathing suits in hand, we quickly went to change and off we went. The monkey pool was closed yesterday due to maintenance. Surely it must have been repaired by now, Thomas thought. He was right. It had a fun little slide for the kids from the top of one pool down to another. We made the monkey pool our base camp for about an hour and a half, before heading down to the river.

The river….I need this in my back yard. Whoever created this walking trail amongst the river needs a medal. The river area at Springs is relatively new. Not the river itself of course, but all the features they are creating by it. They placed some manmade spring fed pools around, above, and beside the river. Intertwining all of that, they constructed a concrete path amongst the hillside. As you climb and meander the path, water is rushing beside you down from the mountain. It was truly beautiful to be surrounded by so much nature. Anna has become quite the little – as she found two dart frogs during the hike.

The last bus left the river at 4:30. We made sure to be on it, otherwise it would have been a 2km vertical climb back up to the lodge. Once back at the main resort , we changed, packed the car, and starting discussing food options.

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