Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 10 - Last for PADI Certification

I awoke to the music of some unknown bird songs at around 6:15am. I am so excited for the kids this morning. Today they become PADI certified. The last three days have been pretty strenuous for the kids. Classes have been from 8:30 to past 5pm everyday. The attention span seems to wane immensely as the day wears on for our young Jacque Cousteau.

Brain Coral
I have been asking if I can participate in one of their dives all week. I figured I didn't want to be the overwhelming "in your face" dad for the first two days, so I waited. I was giddy yesterday hoping to go out with the kids, but it was simply not in the cards. The PADI instructor only has room for four people and honestly I do not think he wants anyone else tagging along. I think it would distract his students and I totally get it. Today, however, is different. This is to be the kid's last dive and the instructor said depending on room on the boat, I could possibly go along.

Ernst, the instructor, wants to take the kids today and swim with the dolphins for their last dive. That would make for an amazing last dive and I am hoping to go along. The only dolphin I've ever swam with was maybe my toy flipper in the bath tub when I was five.

As we got to the dive center, I was told that because of their age that I would not be able to go with them on their last dive. It is apparently PADI supervision rules. I will simply just have to scuba with them tomorrow.

This curious guy was sitting right behind our beach chair by one of the thick bushes.

Anna and I just went snorkeling while the kids went out.

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