Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 12 - Kleine Curacao

Our sea going vessel!!
Phenomenal! So, explanations are in order. Today we went to a small island just south of Curacao called Kleine Curacao. Kleine means small. This was the island of sea turtles and sea horse, or so we were told. We arranged a catamaran trip out to the island yesterday with an organization call Bounty Adventures. The vessel picked us up at the Santa Barbara Resort Marina at 8:10am. It had picked up passengers at several other resorts prior. We were the last stop before heading out to sea.

Photo about 3 feet from the surface. 
The water was pretty still in the channel, but when we hit the waves - we "hit" the waves. It was to take us about 1.5 hours to get out there. No more than 15 minutes into the ride, people were starting to head to the back of the boat to expel some unsettled breakfast. By the time we were half way, there were at least 12-15 people (close to half) that were not doing so well. Everywhere I kept moving to on the boat, someone would lose their lunch next to me. Let me just say I was happy when we arrived at the island.

The island could not have been but 1 mile long with maybe 3/4 mile wide at the thickest point. Blinding white sand, coral weathered rock, handful of huts, few trees and minimal ground cover blanketed the island. This was definitely the place of pictures, magazines and dream vacation advertisements.

Flying fish. I was never able to capture a picture of it spreading out its fins/wings fully.

Flying Fish.
Without a doubt, all that was said about the island by the locals was true. We saw a lot of sea turtles. They are such a majestic animal and seem slide through water with zero effort. Thomas and I could swim with them and get to about a foot distance from them. They did not seem to have any fear. I believe they have become somewhat numb to the humans. Not good.

Anna peering out the window at the lighthouse.
After our first swim, Anna and I went for a walk to go look at the lighthouse. Been vacant for well over a decade, maybe two. Spent about 15 minutes or so there and headed back to swim again with the kids. Lunch was a 12:30pm and the crew did a fantastic job. I shovel my pie whole full and went back into the water. The boat was leaving the island at 2:30pm to sail back to the resort, so we wanted to get as much sea turtle time as possible. Ended up seeing 8 turtles before heading out.

Olivia walking back towards the catamaran.
The ride back was very enjoyable and Anna as usual made several new friends. The cat dropped us off back at the resort and the entire staff and passenger waved and yelled goodbye. Pretty cool!!! One the crew members even flashed us his tits. Not the one I particularly wanted to see flashing us, but Anna gotta thrill!

The rest of the day was just hanging back at the pad. Wonder what's in store for tomorrow. I'm thinking ATV, caves and beers!!

Green Sea Turtle
Kleine Curacao Beach. Anna is in the distance.
Thought this was funny. In the middle of the island with no water around, not sure how it got there. 
The Schifferteens enjoying the ride back from Kleine Curacao back to Santa Barbara Marina

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