Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 14 - Casa Abou with a hint of Karakter

Porcupine Fish
Since this was our last full day on the island we decided to take the kids to Casa Abou. We had gone there for an afternoon while the kids were doing their PADI certification last week. The beach is one of the most beautiful on the island. White sand, coral reefs, tiki type shade umbrella with loungers, small outdoor kitchenette and bar with relatively few people.
Brain coral almost at the surface.

We had a fantastic time and saw lots of new marine life. Thomas even did a little improvised fishing and caught two.

We left the beach for Karakter around 3pm. Karakter was one of the first places we visited and truly enjoyed. Not going there one more time would have been amiss.

Food was spectacular and the view magnificent. We hung around there until 6pm. Headed home and started to pack. All are sad that the time has past so quickly.
Splendid red and purple color. Picture does not do justice. Size about 1.5 ft wide.

This turned out to be the world's largest cannonball splash!!!!!
Two shrimp hiding in a coral.

Moray Eel rapped in some coral at Casa Abou 
Framgipani Nipples

Colorful Coral

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