Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 2 - FIrst out at 7am and Mama spots a day walker

Early morning and Mama spotted a HUGE crab. Took plenty of pics of it and even a video or two, but will most likely have to wait to upload the video until we find a good wifi. We watched this guy for quite some time.

Walked about the property a bit before everyone arose and just kept finding very interesting wildlife. Finally  at about 8am we went back upstairs to our room and awoke the new island's princess. She actually got up and ready pretty quickly. I was quick astonished.

Searching for some food, we hopped into the D-mobile and headed for downtown Willemstad. It didn't take long and we spotted a interesting panadaria (bakery). Thomas got a ham and cheese sandwich and Anna got a cheese filled fritter. Both we quite good. Not the filler food I was looking for though. Another couple of miles and we were in downtown.

Willenmstad at the port is like any other cruise terminal. Shops, shops and more shops. Not really our cup of tea, but nevertheless we meandered around, grabbed some grub and enjoyed the sites.

Dushi - The new word learned this morning seems to be everywhere. It translate into nice, cool, awesome, or whatever positive expression it can be associate with. So as you can imagine, we had a hell of a Duchi morning. LT seems this to be absolutely funny. The kids are getting a kick out of using the word with everything.

Anyway, its about 2pm and we are heading down to the water.

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