Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 6 - And on the 6th day they rested

Sculpture at Sanchez Gallery
I tell ya, we live a hard life. Zapped from all the snorkeling over the last several days, we are going to stay at the resort today. Plus, the kids have to read their PADI (dive) Open Water book today before they go to class tomorrow. I just looked in the book and the first three chapters are 179 pages. Poor Thomas' face dropped when he realized he had to read that many pages. I believe his exact words were, "That's just stupid. They should teach it and not make us read so much." All I could do was laugh inside.

Mama has made some wonderful instant coffee this morning. I took a stroll down to the Pro Shop and walked the grounds a bit. Today looks to be a sunny day. We have had rain a couple of times but it has only been early in the mornings. Nothing to dampen the spirits of these Schiffers.

The kids are slowing starting to look a bit caribbean. The sun takes to them a lot better than to Mama and I. I 'm feeling a bit of a burn on the back of my calves and arms due to facing down in the water for the better of two days. Just going to take it easy this morning.

Enjoy some of these neat pics from the previous days.

Look in the center of the picture. This guy blends well. 

Shot taken down by the beach south of the Santa Barbara Resort
Bee nest. Could not make out the kind. None that I've ever seen.

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