Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 7 - Lions Beach Dive Resort

The big day arrived for the kids to start their PADI certification. I think I was more excited than they were. I got up about 6:30 am and took a shower. Woke the kids quickly thereafter and slowly got all of our gear together. Their class started at 8:30 am. Since we did not know how long it would take to get there with traffic and no knowledge of where it was, we depart our place at 7:45am.

The kids were amped up!!! The dive center was located right next to the Sea Aquarium. We grabbed our flippers and snorkel and head to the dive shop. Ernst was the instructor that would be doing the certification for them today. Luckily it was just our two kids along with one other couple that would be taking the class. The other couple was only scheduled for a two day class, so the great thing is that they will have an instructor for just Thomas and Olivia for the last two days.

Anna and I have been hanging out at the restaurant which is right on the beach. It is right by the school and we have been watching them go out diving in the ocean. It has a nice palm leaf roof and it has allowed us to sit in the shade and partake in several Amstels, Polars and Sols. The beers here are only 8 oz., so there just big enough for about 3-4 swigs. I will say though, its not a bad way to keep'm cold.

Thomas and Olivia ended up finishing their morning session at around 12:30pm. They ended up having lunch with us and headed back to class at 1:30. I believe they will be doing theory this afternoon. Ernst, the dive instructor, says they are natural born fishes and are doing extremely well. No Fear - No Problem!!!

After their first dive, I asked them what the neatest thing that they saw was. Both said the squids and cuddle fish. They dove near a reef very close to the beach for about an hour. Olivia thought she was about 10-15 feet below the surface. Thomas had no clue. He was just excited.

While at the restaurant, I have been trying to catch a couple good shots of some local birds and crabs. Both are quick and very camera shy. I will continue to make some futile attempts.

Getting ready to go out on the first scuba dive with Ernst, the instructor.

My new scuba buddies!!!!
See if you can see our two.
Seven Days and she still likes me... I think...

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