Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 8 - Back at Lion Resort

Dropped of the kids this morning at Lions Dive Resort for their day 2 of PADI certification. Afterwards Anna and I headed to a beach called Casa Abou. Really Beautiful!!!! I will let the pictures speak for themselves today. We got some great shots - here is a handful.

What a kissy face!!!
These guys were changing colors on a whim!! Truly amazing.

The photo doesn't show the real vibrance of his colors.
Scorpion Fish. Very poisonous. Blends well.
Another shot of a Scorpion Fish. 
Real master of disguise. Look in the center. Look for eyes.

This guy is about to pop out some gills on his neck!!

Someone know where all the divers are????

Add a cooler and call me a fisherman.

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