Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 6 - At the resort taking it easy

All that's missing are the women!!
Here are a couple of great pictures from the resort, while we have been taking it easy. Saw a pretty cool looking crab. Been asking the locals, but no one knows what type it is.

Only 8oz. 
Everyone got a little something to eat at the pool bar and big daddy got to watch an amazing finish of Day 15 of the Tour de France as Chris Fromme for Team Sky crushed the rest of the field. My guy Andy Schleck was running a little over 9 minutes behind. They pulled off an amazing climb.

The two prettiest ladies on the resort!!
Anyway, its volleyball time on the center court. Gotta run. Blog a little later this evening. Maybe....

Not sure of the species. But we were really amazed. Big Claws - Tiny Pinchers!!

Right in front of our beach chairs. Thomas in his element.
Male and Female. Not seen that before. 

A little Bar Art!

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